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In fun

By Renate

Iphone case design by Renate

On 12, Oct 2012 | No Comments | In fun, studio | By Renate

Yep, after my new business cards i wanted more. Looking around, thinking what else can i design wit my new brand identity. Then i saw my phone laying next to me, yep, that’s it. I ordered early this year a super nice case from Asia, but well you know me, i wanted something else again.

So here it is, my new iphone case, with my logo & my slogan: I love to create the perfect blend!


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In fun

By Renate

Stamp, stamps & studio stamp

On 11, Sep 2012 | No Comments | In fun, studio, tea | By Renate

In september I celebrated yet another b-day. This time my lovely friend decide to surprise me with a lovely present. Secretly she made a stamp from my logo, specific my teacup! Yippie, super-excited i was when the parcel arrived with my stamp in it. All i could do was stamp, stamp & stamp even more. With blue, red, yellow & black ink on my fingers, i thought let share this wonderful stamp with all off you.

Stamp the world, or even better stamp the world with tea-cups!



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In news

By Renate

Hurray they arrived new Business cards

On 11, Jul 2012 | No Comments | In news, studio | By Renate

Designing for yourself is by far the most challenge task to complete, i think all designers have a bit off a struggle with it. I think i am the most difficult client there can be, yes i mean it! After proposal after proposal, after waiting and letting it go for a bit, i finally found the one. The one card that i felt represented me, my designs & my love for tea.

So i present to you my new card, and do you see i changed my logo in the process ^_^





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In news

By Renate

In with the new

On 01, Mar 2012 | No Comments | In news, studio | By Renate

After 3 years off not updating my previous website, i decided that it was time for a new one. For a new design & also ready for all types off computers/telephones & tablets. So away with the old, in comes the new. Enjoy!



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In news

By Renate

Studio Renate de Klein

On 02, Feb 2012 | No Comments | In news, studio | By Renate

Who is Renate? I love design, travel, the world & of course tea. My new website is online, where i will also update more on my work, inspirations, travels & my new soon to arrive tea-blog. Patience, soon it will arrive.